Hopes For The New Decade: 2020-2030


Thoughts from January 1, 2020…

Here we go. A new year and a new decade starts today. In one sense it’s just another day. The stuff that matters most in life is unaware of a calendar. But yet, it IS significant to us. I like to think in seasons. Here’s a small window into a few things that I WILL mark this decade with. Did you catch that? I will. We can’t rely on other people or our tentativeness to live the life we dream of. It’s YOU. And it’s NOW. And it’s YES. Here’s some of my focus areas. 

1. Life Enjoyment. This shall, and I mean shall, include getting healthy, becoming more active, doing outdoor things I’ve never believed possible, playing more, traveling more for fun and not just work and making way more “experience memories” with my wife and kids. This last decade was way too serious. 🤙🏼🌅

2. Intentional Communication. I’ll do tons more public communication output through speaking, writing, videos, podcasts and whatever new medium we start using this decade. I feel ready to share more deeply, frequently and broadly out of who I am and what I’ve learned and am learning. I’m turning it up. 🎤🖊 

3. Continued Inner Work. With my level of output, input becomes even more important. I’m so deeply aware that my heart needs care, my soul needs tending to, my motivations needs regularly examined and I need the precious and strong work of wise counselors and Holy Spirit to be ever at work in me. Formation didn’t just mark the last decade. It will mark this next one too! Until death. ❤️

4. Grow my professional network and shrink my personal network. Wish me luck. I need more “clients” and less “friends.” I’ve stretched myself too thin relationally (for some good and some unhealthy reasons) and it’s not benefiting me or my friends. We both deserve better. Maybe since I’ve been so good at making friends, I’ll apply #2 above and teach others how to live more relationally. 😉

5. Integer Impact. In this decade Integer Network will grow exponentially and far beyond my reach and grasp. Thousands of leaders and teams wiIl be coached into transforming levels of authenticity and wholeness. Since the day I founded it, I’ve listened to God’s nudge to let her grow naturally and not force her to happen for my own name and gain. Many others will lead, shape and expand Integer Network this decade and there will be massive global impact. It’s gonna be a blast. 🌎