2008...A Happening Year! (52 Highlights)

I will make it an annual blog tradition to look back over the year and name the highlights. I took time today to look back over my blog since January and re-read some of the memories. It was actually a profoundly moving experience! I kept having to double check that I was still reading the correct year. Overall sense in a statement: 2008 was one happening year!! It seems as though there were enough memories and experiences to spread over 5 years. Wow! Well, here they are...the 52 highlights of 2008 (ministry, family, personal, all included in the list...diverse representation of the year):

  1. Loving Jesus
  2. Loving Tricia
  3. Loving Davis
  4. Vision Casting! Message, series, meetings, discernment....
  5. Davis turning 1
  6. Relationship Weekend with Ron and Trevor Hall
  7. Day spent with Rick Warren
  8. Upper Room completed and opened!! (And paid for!!!)
  9. Moving my office upstairs
  10. Pastor Mike's ministry among us. (and his quick goodbye)
  11. A new pulpit!
  12. Getting locked in my office
  13. Easter 2008; Revivify your passion
  14. Visiting Seacoast Church
  15. Finalizing our new Purpose Statement
  16. Pottery Sunday with live Potter
  17. International Sunday; Message in a Bottle
  18. Momentum Message, first ever video sermon
  19. Mom and Dad's 40th
  20. Drive Conference 2008
  21. Postponing my Sabbatical
  22. Speaking at the LCS Commencement
  23. I met Twitter!
  24. Being Garth Brooks on a cruise
  25. Falling in love with Corn Hole (and making our very own CCF set)
  26. One Heart Series
  27. VBS; God's Big Backyard
  28. Moving! (no small task)
  29. Cardboard Testimony Sunday
  30. Welcoming the Kauffman's to CCF (our new Bishop)
  31. Friend Day 2008
  32. Merging to ONE service
  33. Launching Sunday Small Groups (Which have been a big win!)
  34. Making Connections Curriculum (Go Nelson!)
  35. Launching our NEW CCF Website!
  36. Celebrating my one year Blogiversary
  37. Growing with our Thursday Small Group
  38. Growing with my Sunday Small Group
  39. Creating our first ever Annual Ministry Map for 2009
  40. Development of the Ministry Leaders Team
  41. Getting a John Deere!
  42. Attending Willow Creek Group Life Conference in Chicago
  43. Church Retreat
  44. Obama elected as President
  45. Habakkuk Message Series
  46. Christmas Party & Production; A Twisted Christmas
  47. Hiring Caleb as Director of Worship
  48. Hiring TC as Youth Pastor
  49. Hiring Tricia as Director of Children's Ministry
  50. Positive shifts in CCF Culture
  51. Worshiping together every weekend
  52. Transformed lives!!