3 Disciples. 3 Months.


We have been here in South Africa for over 3 months now.  When we arrived I really sought the Lord for his will for me during this season.  I asked him what he wanted to do IN me, TO me and THROUGH me so that I could be obedient to Him.  I heard several things from the Lord.  One of them was that I was to actively disciple several young men. It may surprise you to hear this, but as a Pastor I never really discipled people.  Maybe a few folks in our Small Group, but not much more than that. I would meet with people once, maybe twice and that was it.  That aint discipleship.


Since beginning ministry here I have formed 3 significant discipling relationships.  I meet with each of them weekly for mentoring, accountability, teaching, and to share what we are learning in Scripture. It has been enormously life-giving.  All 3 of the guys that I am discipling are also discipling others.  This is what it is all about. We must make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.  


Pray with me for Siba, Quaid and John. I am excited about the 3 disciples God has brought into my life in our first 3 months here. Excited to meet more people of peace who are spiritually hungry.