A Broken Record!!

International Sunday was a gigantic success!!! Awesome, awesome service all the way around. Quality media, excellent and inspiring worship time, loads of energy, beautiful outfits from around the world, three great speakers, and food from many different nations!!

It was truly wonderful to see the volume of people involved with helping make this day a success. Man, I saw people moving tables and chairs and taking trash out whose names I did not know. That is saying something.

Parking was insane. People were double parked and triple parked and parked at the liquor store and grocery store next to us. These are great problems to have.

A final highlight of the day was the broken record...highest Sunday attendance in the history of CCF!!! 515 people were at worship this morning breaking our record high of 505. We thank God for that and are really excited about it! Remember, numbers don't count like people do! And numbers are not the vision, but we believe that they are a product of the vision.

Many thanks to Pastor Nelson and a team of close to 30 people that together made this a very special day!