/Let me share with you one of the strongest lessons that I have learned over the last month:
God is ready for me to be with Him!!! Any place. Any time. Any mood. Any circumstance. Any state. Any country. Any reason. He is ALWAYS ready for us!
Been really appreciating a Steven Curtis Chapman song recently called "It's All Yours". From London to Africa to the sun and the moon and the depths of the ocean's all yours God!!
One of my few goals for this sabbatical was to develop spiritual habits of seeking God that will remain with me for the rest of my life. I have spent more quality and quantity time with God in the last 5 weeks than ever before!
But here's more to this lesson:
In a recent conversation with my friend Jaye, I was telling her how powerful it was (and seemingly easier) to find God in the Colorado mountains. Her response was: "Colorado is beautiful but you really can see him everywhere, you just have too slow down and look". Now, THAT is some good preaching.
I have met God on a bench in Colorado Springs. On a hill In Monument. At a local coffee shop near the place we are renting. Behind my steering wheel one rainy morning last week. Not wanting to go far from my Babies this morning (because we are in a rough side of town), I spent powerful time with God on a curb in Albuquerque. I found Him here. And he found me.
Jesus wants to be with you!! Wherever you are at...geographically, emotionally, physically, financially, mentally or spiritually. Stop! Greet him!! And invite him to sit with you or walk with you!!