Back & Back at it

Flew in last night. Good Conference. Great time with Nelson. It was so good to see my Tricia and Davis last night. Never knew I could love like this. The more time goes by, the more I love these two!

After resting last night, I am back at it this morning. We are an hour from Small Groups and two hours from the start of service. Looking forward to our gathering today! The message is about speaking the truth in love. Gonna look at Matthew 16 and work through Making Connections Session 4.

Main thrust this morning:

  1. For the things we should say, but don't want to...Lord, give us more truth!
  2. For those things we may want to say, but shouldn't...Lord, give us more love!

Enjoyed the few days out of the blogosphere and looking forward to getting back at it. Happy Sunday to you!!
