Busyness is Barenness

A Pastor that I follow on Twitter just twittered this: "Busyness is a synonym for barrenness. More margin = more creativity, more productivity, and more vitality." This really grabbed me at the right time. This week, I have had to slow down and just "be here" for Tricia. No running, meetings or obligations. I have worked, but at a very different pace.

Without fail, I find that the more I slow down, get away and focus in on my messages, planning and leadership, the more creative and excited I get. Things happen. Good ideas exponentially multiply into fantastic ideas. Good messages become great messages. The online dictionary defines barren as "dull, unproductive and unfruitful." The less I am "crazy busy", the less barren my ministry will be. The more I own control of my time and schedule, the better Christian, Husband, Father, Pastor, and Student I will become. I am doing WAY better at this than I used to. I just need to keep it up.

Are you learning anything from this? Where in your life do you need more creativity and where can you create more margin?