Buying Peace
/Pastor Nelson's message on Sunday morning provoked me to look at John 14 again throughout this week. Something powerful struck me. Pastor Nelson dwelled on the words at the end of verse 27..."do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
Today, I was looking at the earlier portion of verse 27..."Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."
So, here is what hit me in a new way. Jesus wants to GIVE US PEACE!! I cannot think of anything much more valuable than a real peace with God. It is so precious....yet you can't buy it anywhere. It is a gift from Jesus! Hollywood stars and millionaires die with absolutely NO PEACE, literally laying in piles of money.
This is what I love about a faith journey with the Living God! Found in a relationship with Jesus Christ are treasures and gifts that no amount of money could ever buy! I am thankful for that today. So, on those days where there is very little money sitting in the bank until that next paycheck (and Tricia and I know full well about those days), remember how rich you are in Christ Jesus.
Receive His gift of peace today.