CCF is CLOSED tomorrow (due to natural causes)

Well, as bummed as I am that we will NOT be having service tomorrow, I am quite thankful that the decision is an easy one! We need to cooperate with our local authorities and consider safety and cancel church for tomorrow. Not to mention, it is highly likely that our property will not be accessible.

A few ideas:
  • If you missed a recent message at church, hop on our website and listen to it! Click here to listen.
  • If you have never attended online church, perhaps you want to give it a try tomorrow. It includes worship and teaching and is a growing thing in the U.S. If you want some suggestions, email me, FB message me or leave a comment here and I can recommend some.
  • Spend quality time with your family!
  • Spend quality time with Jesus!
  • Enjoy the change of pace!
Oh, one more thing...what about offering? This winter has been a Pastor's nightmare.
We have a solution!! For our faithful partners and attendees who are committed financially to Capital Christian Fellowship, we appreciate your continued financial faithfulness even in the snow (and so does God)! If it makes things more convenient, feel free to click here and donate through E-giving on our website. All you need to do is click on the blue e-giving link at the bottom of the home screen and it will walk you through it. Thanks for letting the Lord use you!
We love you! Will miss you tomorrow!
--Pastor Noah