Family Worship Days
/This Sunday is a Family Worship Sunday at CCF!
Every Sunday at CCF our kids are securely checked into Capi's Kids before their parents even head into worship. Then, the 5th through 12th grades are dismissed a little later in the service. We are so thankful for our Capi's Kids and R.E.A.L. Teens leaders and are proud that we offer excellent age appropriate ministry at CCF. The only challenge to our current model is that we are never worshipping all together as a church. To remedy that, we decided that in 2009 we would introduce 5 Family Worship Sundays where we all stay together in the "big church."
I will share this on Sunday, but here are the purposes of family worship days:
- Families to worship together.
- Younger generations to know what an adult worship experience is about and to participate in serving in ministries that make a service happen.
- Help bridge and connect generations to each other.
- Older generations to experience some of the elements of the younger generations worship experience.
- The value of seeing “all of CCF all together all at the same time!”
- So as to keep the kids unhidden. (Because of the decision to have kids check in before service....without these FWS’s we would never see the kids in 52 Sundays.)
So, this Sunday some youth will join the worship team, some Club 56'rs will assist in ushering, the kids will sing a song and Pastor TC will be bringing the message. Should be a great morning!
--Pastor Noah