Final Genesis Highlights

  • 30:1-13- This is the first time I can remember noticing this baby making contest/competition. Pretty wild. Check it out. It also exceedingly clear that there is a super strong correlation between a woman’s child bearing and her self worth. This is a repeated theme.
  • 31:44-45- Here we have another treaty and monument. We see this over and over again.
  • 32:2- “This is God’s Camp!!”
  • 35:3- Love this verse!! (“Built an altar to the God who answers me in distress and who is always there!”)
  • 37:4- Parents: if you show partiality, you are inviting hate on that kid!
  • 37:5-7 Joseph had a lot of nerve to tell his Brothers about this dream. Would you have? Why or why not?
  • 37:19- “Here comes that dreamer!” I want to be accused of that!
  • 40:8 and 41:16 tell us that Joseph KNEW that interpreting dreams was something that only God could do…but then he proceeded to do it. Hence, it is assumed that he was doing it under God’s anointing.
  • 40:23- we all need to be careful to not forget what people did for us or take credit for things that we did not do!
  • 41:14- Look clean and well dressed for people in authority. SHAVE!
  • 42:36- Jacob felt that he was losing 3 sons, when he was actually losing NONE!! Isn’t this true of life? Everything can look and feel way worse than it really is.
  • 43:11- Yummy! Pistachio nuts.
  • 43:3- Hide those tears, Joseph.
  • 44:30- Parents need to be careful to “bind their lives up in their kids lives.”
  • 45:5- You know that “bad” thing that happened to me? Yeah, God did it!