
(I know that many non-CCF'rs read my blog. This one is for my CCF peeplz!)

I am still pondering what yesterday meant to me. The staff marveled at it again this morning. We shared wins and stories of how well it went.

For those that do not know, we had some water damage and a terrible smell that forced us to need to change the location of our worship service.

We decided at 8:15am that we would be moving our Worship Service from the Worship Center to the Upper Room. That one decision had probably hundreds of implications. To name a few:

  1. Hundreds of chairs moved up a level
  2. Hundreds of chairs set up neatly
  3. Decorations moved up and placed
  4. Media files copied
  5. Cords disconnected downstairs and reconnected upstairs
  6. Instruments moved up
  7. Drums set up
  8. Learn a new sound board
  9. Mix live sound in a new room
  10. Move pulpit up
  11. Signage all over building printed and hung fast
  12. Extra greeters on post to make all transitions easier
  13. All usher supplies moved up
  14. Move EntryPoint to another location at the last minute
  15. And all the other stuff that I have no idea about that people just DID!

After all of that being done (with 20+ minutes to spare), we had an amazingly smooth service! In Caleb's words this morning, "it seemed even smoother than if we were downstairs."

I just want to thank every leader and volunteer for the job well done and I want to affirm the whole body for the display of understanding flexibility! Love this church!!!!!
Yesterday showed me:

  • Who we are
  • What we are made of
  • That our team is a team
  • That flexibility is a quality to be celebrated
  • And that the size of a room can drastically change the dynamics of an experience. Loved the change in feel yesterday!

Things happen when you go to the Upper Room!