Happy Birthday Mr. Blog

2 years ago today, I posted my first blog. So, that makes today the 2nd birthday of my blog. Or the 2nd anniversary of the day I started blogging. 1,060 posts later, and I'm still at it. I guess it's not a fad for me. On the contrary, this blog has pushed me to think, taught me to write better, prompted me to capture the journey, assisted me in communicating and opened all kinds of doors to deeper ministry.

I'm not ashamed to ask this question, because I believe in it's results:

How do you think I can get more people to read it? Primarily at CCF, but even in general? Any ideas? That's the only thing that my blog wants for his birthday.

I see this blog as a tool for digital discipleship, increased unity, and forming community. I keep asking the Lord to check my motives so that there is no pride or selfish gain. My heart is for you, and for all of us who want to keep growing in faith and connecting to our church.

Thanks for visiting. I welcome your feedback.