Happy Birthday, Tricia!!!
/Today is St. Patrick's Day. But, it also my sweetheart's birthday! Happy Birthday, Tricia! I hear it is rude to tell a Woman's age, so I will refrain from doing that. Instead, I will share 29 things that I love and appreciate about Tricia as my blog post this morning. This is her day and I want to honor her for the lady that she is! I appreciate and love Tricia because of/she...
- Her love for Jesus
- Her compassionate heart
- Her honesty
- Her integrity
- Hard worker
- Gifted teacher
- Her choice in men!!!
- Nurtures Davis....leads the kids department
- The way she makes simple things special
- Her dedicated ministry at Capi's Kids and her passion for her role at CCF
- The way that she loves her family
- The way that she loves my family
- How she adores every kid in her life
- She takes wonderful care of her husband!
- Which reminds me....her choice in men!
- Gifted Blogger (recently discovered this)
- Cares for the home
- Cleans more than me
- Does laundry more than me (Which is not hard since I have not done a load since I met her in 1998...thanks, babe!)
- Great at watching me cook ;-)
- Pays the bills and implements our agreed upon financial plans and vision
- Love her heritage in the faith
- Love how she loves me (I know that may sound selfish, but men love to be loved by their wife)
- Crazy reader!
- Maintains friend of high caliber character
- Super supportive of my ministry as a Pastor
- Hospitable with the home
- Her gentleness
- Her choice in men!
Honestly, I am starting to think that Tricia is as called to be a Pastor's Wife as I am called to be a Pastor (At the very least we know that she is called to be my wife....which is NOT an easy calling!!) She is a gem! Happy Birthday, Babe!
Can you do me a favor? Can you either leave a comment here for her or go to her blog and leave her a comment wishing her a happy birthday! Let's bless her today (and tomorrow too if you don't read this till then).
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. --Proverbs 31: 10, 30-31