Hello out there

I track traffic on my website/blog and the CCF church site through google analytics. Every few days I check out what has been happening. Basically, I can see what you are wearing. OK, just kidding. But google analytics has some pretty impressive tracking capabilities. One of the things that I am able to see are the locations that people view this blog from. It leaves me curious sometimes. Well, all I can do is say hello to you even though I have no idea who you are. So...

  • Hello San Antonio. You visit faithfully, but I have no clue who you are.
  • Hello Falls Church, Alexandria and Springfield, VA. Not sure how this is possible, but you seem to have visited more than the state of Maryland this month!
  • Hello York Springs, PA.
  • Hello NYC! Not sure who you are, but see you visit daily.
  • Hello Guatemala! I know it's you, Anna Mae. Excited to see you in a few months.
  • Hello to the many more all over the country. I know who a lot of you are in FL, NH, SC, CA, CO, MI, GA, OH, etc...

Kinda creepy, huh? Gotta love technology.
