Issues of Trust
/To maintain relational integrity and healthy teams we must chose to trust and be trustworthy.
Choosing to Trust:
Often there are unexplainable gaps between what we expect people to do and what they actually do. When those gaps appear:
- We CHOOSE what to put in the gap.
- Our choices determine the INTEGRITY of the relationship.
- We can choose to fill the gap with trust or suspicion.
As believers, we are called to trust. (I Cor. 13:7)
There are 3 commitments we need to make in choosing to trust:
- When there is a gap between what I expect and what I experience, I will fill it with TRUST.
- When I observe someone filling a gap with suspicion, I will come to your DEFENSE.
- If what I experience begins to erode my trust, I will come directly to YOU about it!
Choosing to be Trustworthy:
To be trustworthy does NOT mean that you are flawless. It simply means that you are worthy of trust. Trustworthy people address the gaps they create! There are 3 commitments we need to make in being trustworthy:
- I will do what I say....and when I don't, I will tell you!
- I commit not to over promise and under deliver. But, if it looks like that is where things are headed, I will tell you.
- If you confront me about the gaps that I have created, I will tell you the truth.
Harboring suspicion and mistrust will poison the culture and your organization. (I think that this teaching applies to marriages, families and friendships as well.)