It looks better than it is!
/Let me tell you about one of CCF's "strengthnesses" (Strength that is also a weakness).
For some reason, we continue to hear these type of statements from people:
"It looks like you all have all the help you need."
"Everything seems to run smooth, I am sure you do not need me."
"I didn't know that you all were struggling for workers. It didn't appear that way."
I am not sure what it is that we are doing to look effective, but please allow me to tell you the truth:
We need the gifts of every person in the church to really be all that the Lord is calling us to be. No one has been called of God to sit and do nothing.
Frankly, I hate to flaunt needs. "We need, we need, we need..." I have no interest in leading a desperate church begging people to get committed and freaking out when people leave. Not for me.
I do, however want to lead a church that is living out the every member ministry principles in Ephesians 4.
That said, I am not sure why people think we got it all together at CCF, but I promise you IT LOOKS BETTER THAN IT IS!
The reality is...right now....we are praying for the Lord to raise up from among us:
- 10 more AWANA workers
- 5 more Capi's Kids and Capi's Babies workers
- Club 56 leaders
- A drummer
- Other worship instrumentalists & vocalists
- Production Team members (cameras, sound, lights)
- Guest Welcome Team Members
- Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Center Workers
- More, but I will stop...
If you attend CCF and are not plugged in the way you could be, please let us know and let's make it happen. Lives depend on it.
Pastor Noah