It's Jaye Day!!!
/Today is deemed Administrative Professionals Day! Here at CCF, we call it Jaye Day. Jaye Lindo is our main administrator/Director of Operations at CCF. She has been on staff for almost 4 years now!! We love her. We are thankful for her! Ask her sometime to tell you what she does here. If she can answer it in a sentence, I will buy you lunch. She does so much!
Something personal that I have never written here: God told Jaye that she was to work with me. Yes, me. Not CCF. I am STILL not uncomfortable with that. Why me? Who am I that the Lord would send someone to me? Well, after 4 years of squirming in that, I have a lot more peace. I am strating to see why! Jaye is my right hand woman, left arm, my brain when I need one and a joy in my life!
A few more shout outs to others at CCF in administrative seats:
- Michelle Ferando, Bookeeper! She is rocking it in her role! So thankful for Michelle!
- Anna Mae Hess, volunteer receptionist who is as faithful as an employee!
- Brigitte Young, volunteer receptionist. Servant and blessing to us time and time again.
- Carrol Grizzle, Treasuer. Learing the ropes and doing it well!
- Hope I am not missing anyone. If I am, then consider yourself appreciated!
Leave a comment of appreciation for Jaye or any of the others!