Latest Family News

Here are some of the family updates we recently sent out to our partners and supporters. Wanted to share here too for those interested in our plans and such.

  • Graceson is progressing very well! He is in therapy 6 times per week now. In most areas of development he is right where he needs to be. We still watch him in awe of the miracle we have seen! We will update on the medical testing as we have answers. 
  • At this point, we do plan to return to Arusha, Tanzania the last week of December to continue our life and work there. Would you cheer us on and pray us back? We don't think we were quite done yet.
  • Davis and Lily will start school (Praise the Lord! Oh happy day!) at Davidsonville Elementary on September 5. They are excited for the experience, it seems. We will be more than happy for them to have something to do! They will attend there until December. In January, they will start back at the International school in Arusha. 
  • Noah and our nephew Gabe will make a quick trip to Tanzania September 8-18 to tend to some matters there. This will do Noah's heart good. 
  • Tunajifunza Kiswahili! Tricia and Noah will both continue focussing on learning Swahili in preparation for the return. It is a major perk and blessing to have Agnes (our Tanzanian team member and friend) with us here in the states for a few more months to help us along. 
  • We would love to connect with local churches and would be available to do some speaking and teaching between now and December. Please contact us if that would be of interest to you or your church. 

A few things about our finances...

  • The PayPal gifts that we received when Graceson became ill are serving to carry us through this entire, unexpectedly long stay in the USA. How grateful we are each day for those that helped us. Looks like what came in is exactly what will be needed to carry us to December and back to Tanzania. We will share with you if that changes. 
  • As for our "Missions Budget" which was already set and in place before this is imperative that those contributions keep coming in. We are maintaining our home and team back in Africa and many other pre-determined priorities. To all financial partners....thank you for your continued giving through these months! We will need your support and likely have to also raise new partners soon as we look at possibly extending our stay due to this interruption to our term. More on that later. 

One last thing for local folks...

Are you local to the Washington DC area? We would LOVE to see you and spend time with you this Friday evening at our home Church (CCF in Lanham, MD). CLICK HERE for the details

And please write to us anytime! We would love to hear from you if you have ideas, questions, or just want to catch up.

With all our love,

Noah, Tricia and the Kids 

Read some of what Noah has written lately at:

Financial Contributions can be managed HERE.