Our Church Financial Situation
/Capital Christian Fellowship is in a difficult place, financially right now. Giving is not equivalent to budget. We do not bring in on Sunday mornings (partners and attendees are our income) what we need to operate the church. That was not a serious problem when there was money in the bank to supplement the shortage. It is a problem when there isn't. That is where we will be very soon.
I wouldn't normally use my blog for this type of thing, but I believe that this is a time to do so. I want to publicly share where we are (which we have done at Church) and ask you to consider helping in some small way. Everything helps!
- Would you be willing to pray for CCF and for it's partners and attendees to see the biblical importance of giving? There are many people in our church who give nominally or not at all. If that changed, we would likely never be in this place again.
- Would you be willing to pray for financial blessing and outpouring for this ministry?
- Would you be willing to pray for me, the Staff and the Board of CCF to lead with God's wisdom, grace and confidence in the days ahead? This is a discipleship issue. And in many cases, people do not give because we do not disciple! We just assume stuff. As a young Pastor, I need to hear from God on how to disciple people best in Biblical giving...regardless of this economy. If anything, this is the time TO do it. Not, the time to avoid it.
- Might you pray for our Executive Board that meets all day long this Saturday to tackle these issues and likely make some tough decisions? We need the Lord!
- If you consider CCF your church, we hope that you will ask the Lord whether you are doing what HE is calling you to do as it relates to your financial commitment to your church. And then act.
- If you are doing your part, would you be willing to encourage and disciple at least one other person toward doing theirs? If half the givers, reached one giver, things would drastically change.
- If you wish to give NOW, you can hop on the homepage of our website, click the blue E-giving link and make a donation or set up recurring donations. JUST CLICK HERE!
Thanks for anything and everything that you may do to enhance this ministry! This church IS making a difference!