Pursuit Message 2 (Notes)

Sorry, not trying to blog 100 times today, but I promised some folks I'd post my notes from last Sunday. Here's the snapshot:

Hungry people aggressively PURSUE food! We will not PURSUE God with passion if we are not hungry for him. And we are not HUNGRY for him because we’re FULL! We’ve already eaten. The wrong stuff!!

We have no room or hunger for God because we fill ourselves with THINGS and SELF!

THINGS were meant for Man’s use, but there were meant to always be EXTERNAL to him and subservient to him! (Romans 1:25)

A.W. Tozer: In the deep heart of a man is a SHRINE where none but God was worthy to come. Our trouble begins when God is forced out of his royal shrine and THINGS are allowed to enter.

Jesus spoke to this tyranny of things in Matthew 16: 24-25 and Matthew 5: 1-3.

The story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 is another GREAT example of what we are talking about.

NOTHING can reign on our hearts! This is the place that God wants. God never intended that Abraham should kill Isaac, he just wanted him to remove Isaac from the THRONE of his heart that he may reign UNCHALLENGED there.

Romans 1:25- They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”

We will not pursue something we do not want. Do you want Him?