"REAL" Birthday, Real Learning!

Saturday was Davis's 1st Birthday Party. Today was his "REAL" birthday. It was cool because tonight my parents stopped by to give him a birthday hug and since Tricia's mom is in town visiting us, Davis spent his Birthday even with all 3 of his living Grandparents!
Anyway, one year ago today, we were at the hospital having a LIFE TRANSPLANT. Truly, our life has not been and will never be the same again. I have learned so much from Davis already. Here are a ten things that he has taught me in my first year as a Dad:

  1. You can stare at a person with marvel every day without it ever getting old!
  2. Babies aren't afraid of heights...or counter tops.
  3. You can love someone else way more than you love yourself.
  4. Early mornings and late nights are a great time for relationship building (and Barney).
  5. Leaving work with stuff undone is well worth it if a baby crawls to you when you walk through the door of your house.
  6. Marriage gets better when you share in creating a life together!
  7. Diapers leak after 5 hours (especially when Mommy is at work).
  8. One of God's most overlooked miracles is the way that he forms new life!
  9. Slow down, because the clock won't!
  10. My parents must have been machines to have raised 5 as close in age as we were!
