Reflections from our time in Cape Town...part one of many
/It is quite difficult to figure out where to start. While we were only in Cape Town for about 4 days, our eyes were wide open and our senses were peeked to every detail that we could take in. The lens through which we looked at everything was so different than any other trip we have been on. Because THIS is the land to which God has called us. So, we picked up a lot of details and registered a myriad of emotions and feelings...which will take time to communicate. So, stick with us for a few years.
We will be posting more blogs along the way, but for today, let me just jot down a few random bullets that will help me start to download and share our experience.
- Make no mistake, the flight is LONG. About 19 hours in air and about 24 total travel time no mater how you slice it.
- The Cape Town region is simply majestic! See pic below. Never in my life have I seen a more beautiful display of God's creative ability. My best description would be: the Rocky Mountains meet the Caribbean waters meets the Northern California/Oregon Coast meets San Diego weather. In other words: HEAVEN!
- All Nations (the ministry organization that we will be serving with) was impressive. Mainly because the obvious favor and blessing of God on them. In just over 3 years in Cape Town (longer in other countries around the world), they have fantastic campus, over 40 Staff members and are doing powerful ministry in the region. You can see from the moment that you arrive that God is at work blessing this ministry.
- We either met or met with about 15-20 All Nations Staff. In each conversation, we got more of the heart of the mission. It was neat to see how each person is playing to their gifts within the flexible system they have established. They clearly put the bunnies where they hop.
- We were not as sure before, but now we can confidently say that, we will be in school for the first 6 months. We will be a in church planting school (CPx) with 30-50 students from around the world. However, this school will be about 50% teaching and 50% implementation. This will be really focus 6 months of our hearts and lives into learning more about church planting. This will be relatively new to both of us and I think will really help prepare us for the future.
- From the first day we arrive, we will begin ministering to people in South Africa. While the region contains the greatest beauty we have ever seen, it also contains the greatest poverty and brokenness we have ever seen! See the difference in the pics below. These 2 pictures are taken 10 minutes apart from each other.
In my next post (probably tomorrow), I will write more specifically about the needs of the are present in this nation and how we will be ministering into those needs. I think that it is going to be transformational-- for us and them! In just 4 days, the Lord began to shift and reveal powerful stuff in us. His call and will is being confirmed!!
One last thing...yesterday, Lia, one of our MST members asked us to describe our trip in one word. Tricia said "Life-Changing." I said "confirming." That pretty well captures it.