Thank You
/I read these words in scripture this morning and felt inspired to thank few people:
Colossians 1:3 says "I thank my God every time I think of you."
Well, it may not be totally true to tell you that I thank God for you EVERY time I think of you, but certainly MANY of the times.
Here is what came to my heart again this morning. It risks sounding so Cliche, but here goes: This ordination this morning would not be happening without some of the people that the Lord has placed in my life. This morning I want to say THANK YOU!
- Thank you Tricia, my love. This is what has continually been on my heart as I anticipated this morning. People are not going to move forward in fruitful ministry without the love and support a godly spouse. So, here is my deal....Proverbs 31 poses a question: "A wife of noble character, who can find?" The answer: Noah can!! And he did!
- Thank you Mom and Dad for funding the start of this journey and for shaping me as a boy and for STILL shaping me as a man and for as long as you live.
- Thank you sisters and brother (if I do not clump you together, this post will become a book). I am unusually blessed to have one brother and 3 sisters within ten miles of me. They have been ridiculously supportive in this journey. Many trips to PA, many Sunday and CCF, a wedding in NY. A special shout out to my brother who has stood beside me in ministry as one heck of a right hand man. When it comes to ministry, the dude often knows what I am thinking before I do!
- Finally, allow me to just list some of the people that I am deeply thankful for that have shaped my call and development as a leader. Even though I will not write much here, each of these people have been tools of God in my life:
- Bill Fuergeson (Childhood Pastor)
- Dorothy & Francis Furgang (Elder couple that sowed into me as a child)
- David Eshleman (needs no explanation)
- Lew Good (needs no explanation)
- Keith Battle (HS Teacher, now Pastor)
- Pam McComb (HS Teacher)
- Glenn & Helen Hurst (MY CCF Youth Leaders)
- Angie Williams (one of the many that prophecied ministry over my life)
- Paul Lynn (My College Dean of Men whose role I later filled)
- Dan Mortensen (VFCC Supervisor and VP of Student Life and Friend and Mentor)
- Paul Mutchler (Pastor and Ministry Friend)
- Jaye Lindo (See last week's post..Yall don't know how Jaye shapes me)
- Nelson Okanaya (An amazing teammate who has balanced and complimented my leadership and discipled me as much as I have him!)
- Thurman Custis (TC has been a more important part of this CCF ministry season that he knows)
- Joel Arata (everybody needs a friend like this....especially every Pastor. Joel has not missed a beat in my life over the last 15 years!)
The problem with what I just did is that I KNOW that I have missed people here. The Lord has been so good to me and has sent people into my life time and time again.
I just have to say THANK YOU!
"I thank my God every time I think of you!" Col. 1:3