The Eyes of my Changing Heart
/Over the last few months, and especially the last few weeks, the eyes of my heart have been widely and abruptly opened to a lot of stuff. To what? Everything! Or at least that is how it feels. If I error as a leader, I error toward sharing too much of what I am feeling and experiencing. I am not too good at secrets (when they are mine). God is doing some very personal and transformational stuff inside my heart these days and I am sure that it will leak out and become evident to some of you. It's stuff that I really couldn't put into words even if I wanted to. But, I thought that I would just share a little window into it. A few (very few) of the things I am experiencing...
- An increased sense of intimacy with God.
- Multiple back to back divine appointments and encounters since the first of this year.
- I can't sleep like I used to be able to. Waking up to be with Jesus at whack hours and not feeling tired during the day.
- A increasing concern with the ways that we are NOT being the actual Body of Jesus as he intended it!
- A growing concern that we are NOT being the church the way that the Bible teaches it or the way Jesus intended it.
- A heavier burden for people who have not met Jesus yet. A sharply rising desire to care for the poor and broken and lost (which I am not doing).
- An increasing concern over our lack of vision and impact at CCF (compared to our grand potential and resource).
- Development of Kingdom Eyes that are forcing me to see things differently than I used to. Not some things, but most things. Read more about this HERE!
- A sense that things cannot remain the same. Broken for more. Called to more. Rejecting complacency that was imminently setting it.