These Mountains...
/Since arriving in Colorado on Friday, I have struggled to find adjectives for what I am seeing. These views and these mountains are absolutely.....ummm....I had to look up words that seemed to get close to describing them:
- Magnificent
- Grand
- Resplendent
- Glorious
- Statuesque
- Majestic
I am in awe of God. I keep pulling over, pulling out the camera and and looking like a silly tourist. We intentionally selected Colorado for our Sabbatical for these glorious views. They have delivered.
Here are a few pictures with verses that I have been quoting every morning as I sit at "my spot" and stare upward to the mountains and the Lord (with a jacket on as it it 45-55 in the mornings).
armed yourself with mighty strength.”
In our van!!!
Fooled you, huh?
This should be a great day.