/I know some people that always insist on taking all of their annual vacation at one time because it is the only way that they can maximize it. For some of us, it takes 3-5 days just to unwind, let go, disconnect. Usually I can disconnect in about 2 days. This time, it is going to take me longer (probably because I know I have the time to do it).
Unwinding. That is precisely what this week has been about so far:
- Been home or doing anything that I think of when I think of it.
- I have nothing on my CCF task list.
- Have not read a single work email all week.
- The only "appointments" I have had all week, have been personal friends and family.
- No blogging, no twittering, no facebooking, not even thought about it much at all.
Tomorrow, we finish packing for a week out at sea. Really looking forward to celebrating our 7 year anniversary this week out on the ocean blue, in the Caribbean and with my love!
After that, we start our trek west to our Summer Destination in Colorado where we will spend the majority of our Sabbatical.
I may check in again in a week or two.
Signing off again for now...
"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." -Eph. 3: 17b-18