Updates and Toilet Paper
/Here we are checking back in with you again from Shanghai, China. Wish we could update more often and share more info with you regarding the exciting things that we are experiencing these days....but things are as they are, and this is the best we can do. There are no lack of stories. Just lack of ability to share them all.
Here are a few quick updates....
1. Noah is attending meetings and discussions with over 100 others. More on that when we return.
2. We are continuing to learn that it does not take a house to make a home! Tricia did an amazing job of making our hotel room our home. There is a school table, a play area, a closet and clothing corner, a food/snack counter, the office, the bathroom and the bedroom! It is impressive the way we have settled in to our space.
3. Getting over this jet lag with Davis has been a real challenge (very different than when I travel alone). We have only managed to sleep about one hour later every day we have been here...12am, 1am, 2am, 3am and today until 4am! We are on track to be normal by the weekend. ;-)
4. Davis has been totally impressive in his ability to adjust in a new culture. He is full of joy and happy as he can be. He is greeting people and thanking people in Chinese...ALREADY! When I flag a taxi down on the road, Davis is the first one opening the back door and starting to getting in. Amazing. He is loving being out of the car seat. He climbs all over the back seat. When in Rome... Oh, by the way, he is now posing for pictures without a fuss. He's caught on fast.
5. Honestly, I expected this experience to much more challenging for Tricia than it has been. She has been a real champ! Today, she is taking Davis out on the town and doing some shopping without me while I am in sessions. She felt comfortable getting a taxi and heading to the local shopping area-- just she and Davis. They are getting some medicine for Davis who is congested and they are picking up some toilet paper...
6. Speaking of toilet paper...Chinese TP is TERRIBLE!! See this picture here. This is real. No exaggeration, it is about 1/4 the size of American TP. You get about two #2's out of it. Then, you are at the front desk begging for more...and they cannot understand you...so you act it out and use hand motions. Are you tracking with me?
7. But Chinese people...they are beautiful people. The followers of Jesus we are meeting are passionate, committed, hungry, gracious and humble. They hang on every word of the faith. I could listen to them pray or worship all day! Yet, there are so many that do yet yet know. Remain in prayer for this powerful nation...a kingdom tool!
8. And...
-Someone just lent us a local cell phone which is nice in case we need it.
-We are finding fun things to do with Davis...museum the other day, may hit an aquarium soon too.
-We may be going go to a massive Bible printing press in the next few days. It will be a couple hour train ride.
-Several other familiar faces will be arriving to join us in the next few days. That will be nice, especially since there are kids on the way for Davis to play with!