Weekend Reflections

  • Church was great yesterday. It seems that we are worshiping with more and more freedom! Love it!
  • Pastor Nelson brought it! Jesus will build HIS church with or without our money or our opinions! Wow! Great message.
  • Something unexplainable happened at the end of the service. As the Worship Team led us in "He Loves Us" and people began leaving, about 20 people remained and were pressing in to God. As we did, the presence of the Lord got thicker and thicker in the room. I had a purging...for lack of a better word. Just needed to cry before the Lord for 10 minutes. People were really experiencing God. For the 20 that stayed, it was a highlight of the service. Hard to explain what happened. God just met us! Moral of the story...don't hurry out.
  • We are really tired from moving. Physically tired and sleep deprived. Need a few days to rebuild energy!
  • Got a lot to do! And little time to do it! I need a 8-10 hour block of time for administrative catch up. Documents to complete and revise, board meeting to prepare for, Small Group curriculum to proofread, website and advertising deadlines to meet, etc. Dropped a bit behind with this move. Will catch up!

I hope that your week gets off to a strong start!

"If anyone would come after me he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me!" Luke 9:23