Weight Loss for Missions. Week 1 Results.

Last Tuesday I started a journey to lose weight before leaving for South Africa. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Today, I want to give a one week update.
I weighed in this morning and in this first week, I lost 12 pounds!
Also, since announcing this last week, I have received pledges totaling $33.30 a pound! Kids have even joined in at $0.05 and $0.25 a pound! So cool!
I am looking for people who want to partner with me either because you love me, want me to lose weight, have a passion for mission, share in our call and vision, or any other reason under the sun. We have a budget to raise in the next 6 months, and this is one of the many ways we will do it.
Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
Thank you and love you!