30 Days after Tricia and I got married, we went shopping for a new car. We were going to buy a Toyota Camry. While we were looking, a used Avalon caught my eye. I never thought I could afford one, but because of the high mileage on it (40,000), it was the same price as a new Camry. It drove like a stinkin' dream!!!! We bought it (Yes, the picture below is US the day we bought it). Best Car I have ever owned....probably that best car I will ever own! We have thoroughly enjoyed the Avalon. It's on a Lexus Chasis...it is basically a Lexus with a Toyota sign on it.
Anyway, I like to take very good care of my automobiles. Find it to be a lot of fun and feel like it's good stewardship. I am really blessed to have a mechanic as a Best Friend. My buddy Joel hooks me up!! He and I have been waiting on the Avalon to reach 150,000 miles so we could treat her to some lovin'. Well, she reached 150k this week. So, she got an oil change, trans service, radiator flush, new rotors, new pads, 4 new tires, new speaker that was blown, new sensor that fixed the check engine light, a 4 wheel alignment, air filter, cabin air filter, and a full detail!! All in time for a 500 mile round trip to PA tomorrow!!
Most of you could care less about all of this, but I am pretty excited, so I wanted to share! (And yes, the other picture blow IS my car on a beach of Lake Ontario)