Submit, Woman!


Now that I have you attention with that highly charged and totally inappropriate expression...


I want to share a theology I hold to. A theology of marital submission, if you will. It is formed from the crazy passage in Ephesians 5. However, before I continue-- let me say that Rob Bell stole my theology! Ok, maybe not. But, I have held and shared this theology of Ephesians 5 for years. But, he wrote it in a book in the same terms I have always shared it. And he is popular and has an audience. I don't. Oh well. I will share it with you. Here is the gist according to Rob Bell and I…


To submit is to place the needs of another above yourself. Ephesians 5:23 basically says "look like Jesus- Give yourself up for her!" Christ's headship comes in giving himself up for the church. His sacrifice. His surrender. His death. Whatever authority the word "head" carries with it is rooted in the sacrifice of Christ, and therefore the sacrifice of the Husband.


So, she submits to him, and he lays it all down for her, and it's all submission, and it's all out reverence to Christ! Good stuff, huh?


So how does this play out? Oftentimes the stereotype seems to put men over women making it clear that they "call the shots". The more I see this the more I look at my own relationship with Tricia. I am not calling any shots!! We are calling them together. And as soon as I act like I'm the only one doing it, 1) I may get slapped and 2) I better be ready for all the blame when it fails!


Some would say- "That's fine now and then, but what about the tough decisions? What happens when push comes to shove and somebody has to make the tough decisions?" 

Now, think about your friendships, the closest ones. How often do you ask who is in charge? Do you ever find yourself asking "where does the buck stop?" It actually feels silly, doesn't it? Over time, you've built up reserves of trust and love, and power and control become irrelevant. The healthier and more whole the relationship is, the less you ask these types of questions. When people are truly living in what's called "mutual submission", you lose track of who's in charge.


What would happen in marriages if women were totally sure that her husband will be placing her needs above his own- dying so she could live? What if he made a habit of this? And she a habit of responding with much of the same?

Give it away!

Ephesians 4:11-13 has always been of great interest to me.

There are many things to say about it. Here is one thing that seems clear to me:

The gifts God gives to people are to be used to equip others to build up the body of Christ.

Here is what that means to me-- the gifts in this passage are for multiplication and edification, not demonstration!! They're not to be performed while others look on. Rather, they are to be reproduced.

An evangelist's true fruit is not a convert, but another evangelist. Good teachers make more teachers. Gifted Pastors notice and shape the pastoral heart in those around him. On it goes.

Sadly, what ends up actually happening is that the "specialist" teachers, evangelists, apostles, pastors, and prophets speak at the conferences, give the seminars, and instead of equipping others, they simply perform their gift making it feel even less possible for you & I "normal" people to ever operate in it.

I believe that the five fold ministry is given by God to be given away- multiplication for edification!

Are you an apostle? Go make more apostles. A teacher? Teach others to teach better than you ever could. An evangelist? Go ye therefore and multiply yourself for our lost world! Got the gift of prophecy? See it in others, draw it out and affirm their gift. Is your gift set pastoral-- love to love people? Find those compassionate hearts near you and release those Shepherds!

Allow for Curiosity


One major thing that I have been learning as I work in a new place has been this: We must wait on people to gain curiosity and ask questions before pushing our agenda!!  Read that again please.


The temptation as we try to meet people in a new place and accomplish our vision of planting churches is to quickly announce why we are here and what we are doing.  When we do this, we are answering a question that is not yet being asked and possible forcing our way into soil that is not yet ready to plant in.  


People are naturally curious...if you allow them the time to get there.  Then, they ask. I think that we we press answers into people who are not yet asking the right questions, we prevent them from becoming truly curious. We actually rob them of something special.  


Jesus described himself as the water of life and the disciples as the salt of the earth.  If people eat salt, it will make them thirsty, even if they have not been thirsty before.  If people are not yet thirsty for the water of life, feed them salt. Then they will become thirsty and they will drink. 


I am finding that it is FAR more effective to wait on people to ask the questions.  That is how we know if they are hungry or not.  If they are not asking for the food, they are likely not hungry for, we can move on....because someone down the road may be starving! The missional relationships will be far more effective if you wait on them to get curious before sharing your agenda. 


Just my $0.02.

My Thoughts on Missions Trips


Becoming a long term Missionary forces you to develop your thoughts on things that used to seem normal. For me, one of those things has been short term missions.  I have spent the last 6 months trying to develop a philosophy of short term missions. Frankly, my journey into developing these thoughts was birthed out of my frustration for all the short term teams in and out of Masi!  I am not sure that it will accomplish anything to share my concerns with you, but they are numerous and still alive.  Intstead, I will tell you how I think short term missions trips CAN be healthy and fruitful:


1. The people going need to be properly prepared in the HEART!  There must be training that deals with the heart!  Why are we going and what is in our heart to accomplish for the God's Kingdom?  If there is not strong foundational understanding of key purposes and heart behind the trip BEFORE the fundraising begins, it can become a mess.  Take no one on the trip because they want to feel spiritual or scratch their travelling itch.   


2. Short term trips should be entered into with prayerful public awareness among the team that we are asking God to call one or more of us into long term work.  Discuss it up front.  Build the expectation of long term fruit into the trip from the start.  If long term workers are produced out of short term trips, they are worth every dollar!  Someone in the group may go back to stay and that is a WIN!


3. Finally, the short term trip/team MUST relaize that they are there to encourage and bless the LONG TERM people and LONG TERM work.  Sow, water, till, build and bless into the long term stuff.  Give long term servants relief, rest, encouragement and inspirtaion.  That is the goal.  Start nothing new that you cannot continue. Only sow into what is there and strengthen it. 


So, this is a non comprehensive start to some of my thoughts on how to make short term trips fruitful Kingdom initiatives. 


PS- One thing that I would like to do is to study short term teams and trips found in the New Testament. That would be fascinating.

Three Conversions

I am beginning to wonder if there aren't actually three conversions that happen in the heart of a follower of Jesus?

1. A vertical conversion-- one that brings you to a love for God, and that love transforms how you live. 2. A horizontal conversion-- now that you know Jesus, you know real love and can now love others in a transformational way. But maybe just those you already know?

3. A missional conversion-- now things deepen. Your love for Father and your love for people has changed you, and you are plunged into a deeper level where you actively seek to save the lost. I would suggest that this is a conversion that many followers of Jesus have not yet experienced.
We may also put it this way:

1. Love for God.

2. Love for others. 3. Love for the lost.
Finally, I am wondering if these three conversions may run in sync, simultaneously overlapping with each other? They are different conversions and they happen at different speeds for different people. When I look at scripture, I see that the Lord desires for us to have all three of these conversions happen in our hearts...I'm just afraid a lot of us still haven't.

Some Random Updates

  • In the last few months, I have not blogged near as much as I used to. That is partly because we have been very committed to CPx and partly because of some of the things the Lord is showing me.  I am learning that not everything I think is worth sharing with the world. Been feeling the Holy Spirit keeping my motives in check.  I could see myself falling prey to "online arrogance" - I best not convince myself that everything I write is worth you reading. 
  • We are CPx graduates! After 5 months and lots of learning and stretching, we are done. We have made a long term commitment to All Nations Cape Town.  We look forward to sharing more about this soon.
  • We move out of Silver Palms Guest House on Sunday, after living here almost 6 moths.  We will live nomadically for a month.  We move into our own place on August 1. Thank you JESUS! 
  • On Sunday, Tricia, Davis and I will leave for a week and a half away together.  We will stay most of the time at a campground about 5 hours away.  We really look forward to connecting as a family alone!  And not in community with 18 other people. 
  • We are overwhelmed at the way the Lord is providing for our car to be repaired.  God has basically paid for it.  It will be about a week before it is repaired, but it looks like the Lord has provided for it to be repaired. 
  • We will be releasing another Newsletter within a week or two.  Please let us know if you are not on our email list and we will be glad to add you!

Grace and Peace, friends!


Attention Pastors: Take a Sabbatical!


It was two years ago right now that Tricia, baby Davis and I were embarking on an experience that would change the trajectory of our future--and today, I (still) find myself overwhelmingly thankful for that experience we had.  After about 5 years on staff at CCF (the church where we were Pastoring), we were granted a 2 month sabbatical.  It was in our contract- a real blessing from our church. 


I just want to take a moment to share a brief encouragement with Pastors (or anyone for that matter).  The sabbatical I took in 2009 changed Tricia and me in the deepest way--inside of us.  I saw the church differently than I ever had before.  And I feel like I got a glimpse of God's heart for humanity in the first three and last three chapters of the Bible-- that changed me forever. And the change inside of our hearts gave us new spiritual eyes.  Those spiritual eyes gave us new sight of the future.  Two years later, we live in Africa where we are planting churches and living into our calling at deeper levels than we would have ever imagined possible.  


Can I encourage you to consider taking a Sabbatical?  A break? Stop, reflect, seek, reset, refresh, renew, realign.  It cannot happen in a day.  It can't happen in a week. And it definitely can't happen on vacation!


If it is not in your contract or ministry agreement, I can help you find a way to suggest it to your church.  I have some documents I could send you and more thoughts I can share with you.  Just contact me.


If ONE person ends up taking this advice, this blog post was worth my time.  


PS- I have a fundamental beliefe that sabbaticals are good for Pastors, but even better for the congregation. It helps Jesus get His glory when the church realizes that they do not NEED you to function and you realize that you do not NEED them for significance. 

Baby Kaye on the Way!!

After over two years of trying, one miscarriage and at least five prophetic words about it (in America and Africa)...




Tricia is almost 9 weeks along with a baby in her belly. We got a wonderful healthy report at the doctor and he is very happy with the way the baby is establishing.  Tricia is pretty sick in this first trimester, so please pray for her.  


There are two pictures attached to this blog.  One is our sonogram from a little over a week ago.  The other is a picture of 4 acorns. Here's the story behind the acorns: 

On our last Sunday at CCF (our home church), two different men whom we respect approached us individually and shared a prophetic word.  Both were about our second child.  Both told us that the child would be born in Africa.  One said that the new baby would be symbolic of the new work and calling in our family.  He said that we would come back new people.  The other brought me 4 acorns from the church lawn.  Each decreased in size. He told us that the fourth and smallest was a prophetic symbol of the new child that the Lord would bring into our lives.  We held those acorns as precious reminders.  We placed them in a special bag my Mom had given me, and brought them across the world with us.  They have been hanging in our little room as a reminder.  The night we learned we were pregnant, the very first thing we did is get the acorns out and begin to thank the Lord in prayer and celebration.  We believe that they are signs of the strong tree of faith that this child will be-- like the words of Psalm 1:3...a tree planted by living waters, always yielding fruit, never withering and always in blossom! 


We were not sure along the way whether this child would come from Tricia's womb or be adopted (which were open to).  We met with someone we respect here in Africa in March and they spoke over us that the baby would come from Tricia's womb.  So....we've been expecting just that...because we are learning two things more and more every day:

  1. We can and will believe the report of the Lord!
  2. All of His promises are yes and amen! 


Rejoice with us and pray with us during this time.  We love you and thank you for your support and care. 


PS- I have always had a special place in my heart for African Americans.  Now, we will have one as a child!!  ;-)  And yes, we will have the baby here in Africa. Many babies have been born here! 

Making God's Dreams Come True


One of the things that the Lord has shown me in Scripture over the last few years is that I/we can help make God's dreams come true.  There are things that God dreams of for his earth.  And yes, you can help make them happen. We can help bring them about.


It is God's will and his dream that:

  • The hungry be fed.
  • The oppressed be delivered.
  • The captives be set free.
  • The poor be cared for.
  • The widows be honored.
  • The orphans be nurtured.
  • The blind see.
  • The deaf hear. 
  • The lame walk.
  • The dead live.
  • We love one another.
  • Care for one another.
  • Submit to one another.
  • Prefer one another above ourselves.
  • We love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, mind and strength.
  • We love our neighbors as ourselves.


And it is God's dream that his Kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  It is how Jesus told his disciple to pray.  And he wants to use YOU right NOW to make that happen.


And ultimately, it is God's will that we GO and make disciples of ALL NATIONS baptizing people and teaching them to obey that NONE should perish, but that all will have eternal life.


I believe that these are the dreams of God's heart and he wants to use us to help him make his dreams come true.  What an honor.  Will you join Him?

South Africa Facts & Vocab


Here are a few fun (and at times not-so-fun) things we have discovered about South Africa that some of you friends back home may find interesting. 

  • It is so wild to me that we can get in the car and drive to Namibia, Swaziland, Botswana or Zimbabwe with relative ease.  Want a harder drive?  We could drive to Kenya, Ethiopia or Egypt.  Whack!
  • Some things are cheaper, and other things are more expensive. 
  • You can go out to eat for very close to what you would pay to eat in...sometimes even cheaper. 
  • Food is generally much less than back in the states. 
  • We can buy a bag of fresh tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, onions, oranges, apples and pears for about $7 (for all of this).  I think that is FAR less than what we paid in the US.
  • We drive on the left hand side of the road and the right hand side of the car.  Totally used to it. 
  • Tip is typically 10% at restaurants. 
  • Every parking lot has attendants that watch your car, load your bags into your car, take your cart for you and assist you in backing out of your spot.  You pay them about $0.25 after they help you back out. 
  • I got a tail light replaced today for $1.10 (parts and labor). That was cool.
  • Cars are extremely expensive-- about 40% more than in the US. 
  • The majority of the cars here are very small.  Think Toyota Yaris. 
  • Which is great since petrol (gas is called petrol here) is about R10 a liter ($6.00 a gallon).
  • There are as many automatics here as there are sticks in the US.  It is the exact opposite. Almost everyone drives a manual transmission vehicle. Which is great for all the mountains we have here.  
  • Electronics are super-expensive here. 
  • Almost all mobile phone usage is pre-paid. And you can buy airtime at the grocery store.  Or the gas station. 
  • Weirder than that is that you also must buy prepaid electricity for your home.  You can buy that at the grocery store too!
  • Because calling is so expensive, most people SMS.  
  • Which reminds me, it's SMS here, not text.

While, I'm at it, here is some more vocab...

  • A robot = a traffic light.
  • A bakkie = a pick-up truck.
  • Takkies = sneakers. 
  • Biscuit = cookie.
  • Boerewors = Sausage.
  • Braai = BBQ or Grill.
  • Howzit = How are you doing?
  • Nappy = A diaper.
  • Shame = a broad expression denoting sympathy. 
  • While in America, "just now" means it recently happened in the past, in South Africa it refers to the future...anywhere in the near future (1 hour, 5 hours, or more).


Well, that gives you a small window into some of life here.  We are so thankful to be here.  It is starting to feel like home!



I just finished the book "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell.  I loved it!  Movements 4, 6 and 7 of the book touched something deep in me.  If you want to read any of it, read those movements (chapters). 


On the last page of the book, Bell talks about the church as SHE.  He closes the book with these words that I want to share with you:


One of the central metaphors for God and his people throughout the Bible is that of a groom and his bride. God is a groom and his people are the bride. I like this because the church is a "she." She's a mystery isn't she? Still going after all this time. After the Crusades and Inquisition and Christian cable television. Still going. And there continue to be people like me who believe that she is one of the best ideas ever. In spite of all the ways she has veered off track. In spite of all the people who have actually turned away from God because of whet they experienced in church. I am starting to realize why: The church is like a double edged sword. When it's good, when it's on, when it's right, it's like nothing on earth. A group of people committed to selflessly loving the world around them? Great. But when it's bad, all that potential gets turned the other way. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Sometimes in the same week. Sometimes in the same day. 


But she will live on. She's indestructible. When she dies in one part of the world, she explodes in another. She's global. She's universal. She's everywhere. And while she's fragile, she's going to endure. In every generation, there will be people that will see her beauty and give their lives to see her shine. Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against her. That's strong language. And it's true. She will continue to roll across the ages, serving and giving and connecting people with God and each other. And people will abuse her and manipulate her and try to control her, but they'll pass on. And she will keep going! 

3 Church Planting Surprises


Over time, I will be writing much more on here about church planting. It's what we are doing and what I am studying here. With each passing day, I am more excited to plant churches and teach others to do the same.  In this post, I thought I will share the three most surprising things that I have discovered about (simple) church planting since arriving here.  These are things that I am experiencing myself as we work in Masi.  Not just things that people told me can happen.

  1. Unsaved people can lead a church. We are empowering people that are yet to make a commitment to Jesus to lead their friends in Discovery Bible Studies. It is thrilling to see the way this propels growth and dedication. What often happens is that they grow themselves into salvation that lasts.  
  2. I have personal friends and know many people who have planted churches in America.  It is often under a denomination and through a rigorous process. I know people that take as long at 24 months (plus) to launch a church plant. There is nothing wrong with this. It is beautiful...for some people. However, since we define church in simple biblical terms, we shed the processes and procedures that men create.  This allows us to start a church in 24 hours instead of 24 months.  Sure, we may not have as many dollars in the bank, people in the seats or questions answered when we begin....but it is church nonetheless, and we launched in days, not years. 
  3. Many churches talk about planting as something they wish to do in the future.  CCF (our home church) has talked about it for 12 years.  Since we define church in simple biblical terms, we are able to build reproduction into the lifeblood of the church at the beginning.  I am right now a part of a group that is 6 weeks old and already planning for reproduction within the next 6 weeks.  

Do you see the difference between organic church planting and organizational church planting?  One is not better than the other.  Just different.  And sometimes the differences can be surprising.  

One Matters, Small Matters


I continue to believe that God's satisfaction barometer is way different than ours.


God sees the multitude in the few. And He sees the end in the beginning.


When God created man, he made one that he could love billions!


Think of Abraham...God promised that he would make him a great nation and then gave him one son and asked him to offer him as a sacrifice. In the few, God saw the many.


When Jesus came, he reached a few disciples, but envisioned the WORLD being discipled through them. And that excited him and satisfied him.


Not long ago, I spent a Sunday morning with ONE man who was surrendering to Jesus. In that moment, I thought of Sundays that I preached to 400+ people. Suddenly, a joy came over me that the Lord was just as pleased with me in loving one as preaching to hundreds.


Then, when the fire hit last week, the Lord gave me a vision for Masi and I think it could be for your town too:

  • It is estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies.
  • Then, there is this one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. It also has hundreds of billions of stars and planets.
  • Within this little galaxy is a little dot called Earth. To give you some idea, the sun is about 100 times the size of earth.
  • Of all the stars and planets God made, he only put life on one (that we know of)!
  • Then, on Earth, their are continents, countries, cities and villages.
  • Within each village/town are many people.
  • Then, there is one person.
  • God cares about that person so deeply that he would have knit them together in their Mom's womb and numbered the hairs on their head and send his only son to die for them.
  • God can do big. Obviously. But, small matters to God too. One matters!
  • PLEASE do not be discouraged in small things. God is very interested in them.


Is there ONE life you can impact for God?

One Matters, Small Matters


I continue to believe that God's satisfaction barometer is way different than ours.


God sees the multitude in the few. And He sees the end in the beginning.


When God created man, he made one that he could love billions!


Think of Abraham...God promised that he would make him a great nation and then gave him one son and asked him to offer him as a sacrifice. In the few, God saw the many.


When Jesus came, he reached a few disciples, but envisioned the WORLD being discipled through them. And that excited him and satisfied him.


Not long ago, I spent a Sunday morning with ONE man who was surrendering to Jesus. In that moment, I thought of Sundays that I preached to 400+ people. Suddenly, a joy came over me that the Lord was just as pleased with me in loving one as preaching to hundreds.


Then, when the fire hit last week, the Lord gave me a vision for Masi and I think it could be for your town too:

  • It is estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies.
  • Then, there is this one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. It also has hundreds of billions of stars and planets.
  • Within this little galaxy is a little dot called Earth. To give you some idea, the sun is about 100 times the size of earth.
  • Of all the stars and planets God made, he only put life on one (that we know of)!
  • Then, on Earth, their are continents, countries, cities and villages.
  • Within each village/town are many people.
  • Then, there is one person.
  • God cares about that person so deeply that he would have knit them together in their Mom's womb and numbered the hairs on their head and send his only son to die for them.
  • God can do big. Obviously. But, small matters to God too. One matters!
  • PLEASE do not be discouraged in small things. God is very interested in them.


Is there ONE life you can impact for God?

Storying Video

This video captures something that we are really seeing the Lord bless. We call it storying. Since so many people do not learn by reading (close to 80% of the world are oral learners), we are experimenting with different ways that:


A) People can learn the scripture in a manner that penetrates their hearts.


B) They can reproduce it for others.


I encourage you to try this in a group soon. Later, I will post some stories that we have crafted. Use, reproduce, tell others and let the Word of the Lord go forth.

Storying in Masi from Noah Kaye on Vimeo.

Killing Osama


Well, it has been a week since the (apparent) killing of Osama BIn Laden.  The day I learned of it, I was deeply saddened by the attitudes of many Christians online.  If I'm being honest, I was also quite embarrassed to be an American that day. Here in Africa, we are interacting with many people from around the world.  For people to see the parties that "we" threw and the celebrations we had over the murder of an evil man, made us feel a sense of shame and deep disappointment.   


I know that this post will not be popular, but here's where I am today. I intentionally prayed and waited one week to share any thoughts. But I feel that the Lord wants me to offer my perspective to those that care to read it.


I am afraid that many Americans have developed political theology, not Biblical theology.  Somehow they've justified a heart of hate in the name of national loyalty and pride while failing to look at the Bible to shape their beliefs. 


Here is a snapshot (not the full picture) of what I believe:

  • Do not celebrate when your enemy falls or rejoice when they stumble.  (Proverbs 24:17)
  • Take no joy in the death of the wicked, rather hope that they turn from their wicked ways and live. (Ezekiel 33:11)
  • Greater love has no one that this, that he lay down his life for a friend. (John 15:13)
  • People will know we are followers of Jesus by our love. (John 13:35)
  • Love your enemies.  Let me repeat, love your enemies!  The world says hate your enemies. Jesus says that we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  Not kill those that persecute you. (Matthew 5)
  • Bless those that harm you and leave revenge and consequence to God. 


Here is the clincher for me.  I believe that Jesus is the final revelation of the nature and heart of our God. Yes, the Old Testament is full of violent stories that you may choose to draw out as proof texts to support something like the murder of Osama Bin Laden, or war for that matter.  But, unless and until I am convinced otherwise, I am choosing to live my life and order my theology according to the life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ. He, I believe, is the final and ultimate revelation of God.  He is my savior who has redeemed me, forgiven me and died for me.  I will do all that I can do follow his lead and love my enemies as well. You can argue with me all you want, but this seems to be where I find the peace of the Holy Spirit and find rest in my soul. 


Additionally, if I subscribe to some of the hateful stuff I see oozing out of the Kingdoms of this world, I lose the thrilling chance to be a part of the Upside-down, totally-radical, earth-shaking Kingdom that God wants to build.  Why would I leave the heart of this awesome kingdom to sign up for one that is far inferior and far less thrilling in every way?!


Finally, I cannot...absolutely the New Testament and conclude that if I love radically...that one day the Lord will look at me and say: "Noah, you should have loved less and killed more"!  Thus, as of today, I choose love even when it hurts, to love when it is hard, and yes, to love even when I want to blow his brains out as badly as you may!  I choose to say no to my way, and yes to the way of Jesus...the way of love. Oh, and by the way, this INCLUDES loving those of you that hate what I just wrote here. Letter the rubber meet the road.



As many of you know, we are serving at All Nation in Cape Town, South Africa.  Our leader is Floyd McClung.  Floyd is a well known missional leader and author. Here are some of Floyd's thoughts on the matter.  

I believe the death of Osama bin Laden brings a righteous measure of comfort to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 because the mastermind who caused so much loss and pain and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil.

There is a place in God's ways for evil to be opposed with just force. But there is no place for American triumphalism. Our nation's need for humility and repentance remains unchanged. Sacrificing our children's lives on the altar of convenience, greed, injustice, pride, and moral perversion are constant reminders of our deep need of God.

Our greatest enemy is not a singular terrorist or Muslims in general, but our own rebellion and separation from God. Our greatest need is not more might or power, but humble dependence on the forgiveness of God for our sins. Our greatest challenge is not more faith in America's greatness, but fearless courage to share the good news of God's mercy revealed in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 

If it weren't for Mommy


The first words out of Davis's mouth this morning were "Happy Mother's Day"!  We were so impressed by his thoughtfulness to remember (keeps me out of trouble).  As we were getting ready this morning, I was encouraging Davis to be very thankful for Mommy today.  


Then I told him the truth...

  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would get no baths.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would wear velcro shoes because Daddy won't tie your shoes. 
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would no match.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would not have clean clothes.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would have 5% of the toys you currently have.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you'd have no field trips or play dates. 
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would be hungry.


We love you Mommy! 



Daddy and Davis