A Powerful Passage Read by a Great Friend!

Can I brag on my team for a minute? We have a great staff at CCF that bring special things to the table. I could brag on any of them, but let me pick on one today. Pastor Nelson blesses me on the regular! Earlier this week, in our one on one weekly meeting (where I am supposed to be supporting him), he blessed me and ministered to me in a big way. Then, today we worked together on our message for Sunday Morning. We are going to team teach this weekend. While we were in the throws of planning today, he jumps up and shares this passage of scripture. John 6: 22-71. As he read it to me with all the passion in the world, the story came alive. He felt it, so I felt it! I have read it countless times, but in hearing it today, it was as if I had never heard it! What a passage! I wanted to run the aisles of the Worship Center.

We will be using this passage this Sunday and quite possibly next week as well. In this passage, you will find several powerful messages for the church. And certainly for our church...one that has experienced lots of change over the last 3 years...and one that is clarifying and determining its purpose right now.

How badly I want to share the pearls that the Holy Spirit began revealing to Nelson and I today out of this passage....but I can't let the cat out of the bag. Gotta save something for Sunday. I will stop and flip to a Word Document....becoming a regular practice.
