Chill Pill
/Some days, I need to tell myself to chill out! Other days, I need to tell YOU to chill out. All too frequently, we think things are worse than they really are, we are more stressed than we need to be, and our perspective seems to be void of the faith we claim.
Yesterday in my message to our church, I shared about a key verse in the story of Joseph.
"Jacob exclaimed, “You are robbing me of my children! Joseph is gone! Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me!” -Genesis 42:36
Jacob feels the weight of the world on him and life looks grim:
- My favorite son, Joseph is dead. I even have his special coat covered in blood to prove it.
- Simeon is gone now. He leaves with you and did not come back! What's up with that?!
- And now, you are telling me that you have to take Benjamin (my youngest son) with you and he will be gone.
- Forget it all. I think I just want to die.
Jake really needed to just take a chill pill. Because in fact, here is what was really happening...contrary to what he saw:
- Joseph was living a life of blessing and favor...alive and well...and the very reason that the family had food, or life for that matter.
- Simeon was JUST FINE back with Joseph as he waited to be united with his brothers.
- And Benjamin's presence was desired so that the whole family could be together and experience redemption!
What looked and felt like the "world crashing in" on Jacob, was really the Lord at work. Some of us need to take a chill pill and ask God for a big dose of perceptive and patience. He has not left you. You say you have faith. Live like it.
What looks to you like 3 dead kids is about to become 3 blessed kids!
Peace over you today as you pop a 250,000MG Chill Pill.