Difficult Questions
Today, I am excited to tell you about the next sermon series coming to CCF. Staring Sunday, April 11th we will kick off a 3 week series called "Difficult Questions!" Let me tell you a few things about it.
- The purpose for it: people wrestle with difficult and sometimes awkward questions about life and faith and they do not know where to ask them. We want to create a space for people to submit questions anonymously so that we can prepare thoughtful answers and share them publicly--with the hope that they will impact others wrestling with similar questions.
- I am excited that Pastor Nelson and I will be team teaching this series from a cool stage set! I think that our combined and diverse perspectives will add to the experience.
- We will be welcoming questions from people (anonymously) through a link on the home page of our website (coming soon) and through a box at the Welcome Center.
- The Staff will receive, sort and select the questions that Pastor Nelson and I will focus on. We will probably address 3-6 questions a week.
- In addition, we are considering a time of open mic questions that we will take on the spot. We shall see.
- This all starts the week after Easter!
- Be thinking of your question to submit and be praying that Jesus uses this time to transform people!