Letter From a Pastor- Your Friendship Matters
/Here is another letter from a Pastor being shared on the Swerve Blog this week. Oh, how I can relate to this one.
Dear Church,
Thank you so much for treating me like a normal person. I feel that you honor the “office” of the pastor but love and accept me as a person.
I don’t take this for granted. Many of my pastor friends tell me that they feel lonely in ministry. Many have explained that other pastors in town are difficult to get to know and trust. Others have expressed deep hurts from friendships-gone-bad with people in their churches.
My family feels loved and accepted and not judged by the church. Some people may act differently around us because they are “with the pastor.” Our family enjoys when you are yourself and let us be ourselves. I’m especially grateful when you don’t put unrealistic expectations on my children and love them as regular kids.
We’ll always try to be a good and faithful example of Christ, but we’re grateful when you love us even though we occasionally fail.
Your Pastor