Getting Ready to Ride the Wave
/Church growth is a relatively unpredictable phenomenon. One thing that we can count in is that it happens in seasons. Traditionally, most churches grow 6 months out of the year and don’t for the other 6. Growth months in the US are typically March, April and May and then September, October and November. CCF falls into this category too!
I share this with you to invite you to play a part in this important growth season over the next few months. We have several very special Sundays coming up soon. We are praying, planning and preparing for them as we speak. They are positioned on the calendar in such a way that we will really able to ride a momentum wave right through the next few months.
The special services approaching are:
- Good Friday Service
- Palm Sunday
- Easter Sunday:
- Theme: Revivify Your Passion!
- Pottery Sunday:
- Theme: Being Shaped by the Potter
- International Sunday:
- Theme: Message In a Bottle; The World is Sending us an SOS, Romans 8:18-25
- After that, I will be rolling out a 3 week sermon series that we will be introducing soon.
I share this with you for several reasons.
- We hope to see this place packed on these special Sundays and many in between.
- I encourage you to be here!
- Invite people that are unchurched and dechurched! Remember, we are here to reach people who DO NOT know Christ...not to steal sheep from other flocks! Please invite people in your sphere who do not know Jesus as their Lord.
- It is our prayer that many people are saved and transformed over the next several months here at CCF! I am praying that God will specifically do some work in people around the altar.
Come, Holy Spirit, come!