How to Manage your Money

Last night Tricia took my Mom to Toby's Dinner Theater and I stayed home with my main man. After I put him to bed, I was able to dedicate a few hours to something I have been wanting to do for a long time...check out online webcasts and podcasts. It is too easy for Pastor's to regularly give out but rarely take in. I struggle with finding that balance. Every Sunday I have to be "on" and TV preachers sometimes leave a bit to be desired. Hence, I need to find creative ways to hear sermons and glean fresh biblical insight.

Anyway, I enjoy listening to some messages that not only encourage my growth, but display new and creative ways to communicate! Let me show you an example of what I mean. I know I mention Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor of National Community Church quite often, but I make no apology. Not only do I know him personally, but he is doing some incredible stuff (yes, with the help of lots of resources and great staff)!

Last night, I watched his sermon from January 2oth. He is doing a series called "HOW". This message was about "How to Manage Money". I want to share it with you for 4 reasons:

  1. It is video form. Meaning that the church (all 4 movie theater locations) watched this sermon on the screen, not in person. Mark was out of town, so they prepared his video message before he left and they watched it in DC while he was in Utah snowboarding with his son.
  2. It's incredibly practical and relevant. That becomes very obvious when you find that one of the points in his message in "Open up a Roth IRA". So cool. Yes, you CAN do this in church.
  3. It's strongly Biblical.
  4. Finally, I dream of when I can do this one day! I would LOVE to be able to do this type of stuff. For example, it would be neat to tape a message or 2 like this before I leave for my Sabbatical this summer and show them while we are away. I look forward to continuing to grow as a church so that we can have the resources (money) to make this type of creativity a part of the CCF experience! (If you know something I don't...let me know and we will start filming this week!)

I know that most of you will feel that you do not have the time to watch this, but if you do or when you will not regret it.

Click Here to watch the message!!