I dream of a team...
/Today, our Staff grew from 4 to 7! What a special day this is for so many reasons! This is my favorite day of 2009!! After a great time of prayer as a staff this morning, we all took turns completing the sentence, "I dream of a team..." Here were some of our responses. Pray with us that these dreams become our reality as we work together each day:
We dream of a team that...
- Is fun, silly and loves coming to work!
- Is Authentic, honest and real.
- Is thoroughly equipping volunteer leaders.
- Is a well oiled "God-Machine".
- Has clearly defined roles yet is incredibly flexible.
- Is seeking the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Is great at releasing people to lead.
- Is not threatened by each others gifts, but rather sees them as a compliment to the team.
- Will rigorously defend one another and address their concerns directly to each other.
- Can serve as a support to each other in tough seasons.
- Has an eye for contributing to the growth of the church.
- Is sold out to the vision!
- Knows how to trust that Jesus is at work in each other...even when the decisions that they make may not be exactly how we would do it.
- Is being built on the power of the total team, not the abilities of a few "stars". Instead of a star player taking us to a championship, we all get there together.
What teams do you serve on? How do you want that team to function for the greatest impact?