What a start!
/What a start to 2009! Great service this morning. Not necessarily because it was the best planned, most organized, creatively presented, or that we were somehow more on top of our game. In fact, we weren't! We were stumbling through some things after most of us being out of the office this week. But, that stuff all matters much less than I probably think. What matters is that lives are impacted. And they were! Here are some testimonies from just this morning that I am excited about!!
- One young man gave his life to Jesus for the first time!
- Another person recommitted their life to Christ.
- An 18 year old came up to me and said he did not want to be just sitting there anymore. He wanted to know what he can do to serve!
- A lady who has been in the church for many, many years came up to me and confessed that her doubt and questions about the church have been replaced by a passion for the vision and the future.
- One couple took a big step today toward restoration in their marriage.
- Another woman came to me in tears to say that "this is her year of greatest commitment to CCF and to the Lord!"
- Someone else came to me and told me that they can no longer put it off...they are ready to go all in and want to join next Sunday.
Each of these things I just shared are signs of lives being impacted and transformed. This is why I do what I do. Look, there are just the few things that NOAH can remember about today. There are many things that others in our community saw and heard today that I have no idea about. And there are many things that the spirit of God did today that we cannot see and measure. For all of this...we give God the glory!
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Romans 11:36