Internal Alarm Clock leads to Sermon Planning
/I have woken up at 5:45am every day for the last 7 days (with the help of an alarm clock). So, guess what happened this morning? I woke up at 5:45am without the help of an alarm clock! Does this mean I am getting old? Ok, bad question.
We made it about 400 miles to Dillon, SC and grabbed a Comfort Inn. I have been up for almost 2 hours now and have read 1 whole book of the Bible and wrote my Good Friday message. I am sitting in the "continental breakfast area" on the laptop and I got so carried away and excited typing this message that I almost stood up and preached it to the 10 people speaking German at the tables around me. ...Makes you wonder where they are headed...probably Florida.
My Good Friday message will be entitled "Adding the EXTRA to ORDINARY".
Just think of this Good Friday perspective:
- Ordinary tree turned ordinary beam.
- Ordinary beam turned ordinary cross.
- Ordinary cross for an ordinary crucifixion. (common means of death in context)
- Ordinary crucifixion leads to ordinary death. (Jesus was certainly not the only person to die on a cross)
But God added the extra to this relatively ordinary scenario by ordaining the event with divine purpose. First of all, it was his sinless and blameless son...a member of the trinity! Second, there was a divine redeem people and connect them back to God!
So, when God touches the ordinary with his divine intention, it supernaturally becomes extraordinary!
Look around. What do you see in your life that looks ordinary? Any fish? Loaves? Fig Trees? Mangers? Lakes to walk on? Storms to calm?
--Gotta go wake my babies up and head to Myrtle Beach for the day! Peace!