Jesus; more fascinating than I imagined

There’s an old song we would sing in church when I was a kid and the words were simply:

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, Fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

I was baptized in 1987 and have loved and known Jesus all my life. And the more I know him, the more I realize how much there still is to discover. It’s like no other (human) relationship I have experienced. The richness of His love and the depth of His friendship is unparalleled.

And that is really the 5th major lesson I learned during 5 years on the mission field. Jesus is more fascinating and captivating than I ever ever imagined. As I gaze through all my doubts and wade through all my questions, face my heart and connect with my soul in deeper ways….one thing keeps emerging as most precious and most stable to my heart….JESUS! His life, his teachings, his perspectives, his vision, his compassion, his strategies, his selflessness, his sprit, his love, his kingdom.

There is another song that comes to mind called “Give me Jesus.” I can remember singing it with the University of Valley Forge Concert Choir. But today the words mean exponentially more to me than they did then:

Give me Jesus, give me Jesus

You can have all this world

But give me Jesus

He knows us, he carries us, he hears us and he heals us.

It is just getting weightier and weightier as the years go by. Jesus is becoming more and more fascinating.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know!