

It’s Easter Sunday…and today we celebrate Jesus and His beautiful announcement of LIFE over death!

This morning I am reflecting on LIFE. LIFE is the greatest and primary gift we have been given. From it, everything flows. Without it, nothing is. When I feel my way through the Garden and creation story, it teems with God’s intentions for LIFE. LIFE was given to Adam and Eve as the winner of all God had made. The tree of LIFE and the river of LIFE are the counterpoint of God’s design. LIFE.

If we would allow our minds and hearts to grasp the beauty of this gift, we would pay attention to each breath we take in a new way. Breathe in God’s LIFE. Breathe out God’s LIFE. Think about it…He made us to receive his LIFE and give it back out! As our hearts beat, we can feel the proof of God’s goodness and grace….His consistency and faithfulness.

I am too often, too busy to appreciate breathing and a pulse, but something happens when I sit still long enough to do it. But when I do, it gets better. The creator went beyond physical LIFE and placed his spirt LIFE in us. We are doubly alive. Alive with the spirit of God, alive in soul and spirit, alive with the LIFE of Christ in us and on us and through us.

So, today let’s step into the LIFE Jesus gave us! Abundant. Beautiful. Eternal!

Happy Easter! Receive LIFE!