/Our Associate Pastor, Nelson Okanya was born and raised in the village of Kenya, East Africa. He has now been in the US for 12 years. Last year, CCF sent a team of people to Kenya to visit Nelson's home town, family and various places of ministry.
This morning at 4:00am, Pastor Nelson received a call from his father indicating that his 31 year old sister, Lillian had died last night while giving birth to her 3rd child, a baby boy. The baby lived, but Lillian passed away through childbirth complications and no medical facilities. The newborn, needing to survive was taken to a local Catholic Mission Hospital. It is a very heartbreaking story that has unfolded for Nelson and his family.
Nelson will be flying out for Kenya at 8:15am tomorrow and returning on August 7th. Jessica and Barak (his wife and 19 month old son) will remain home here in Maryland. Our congregation rallied around the Okanyas this morning and supported them with love, prayers and enough money to not only fly Pastor Nelson to Africa, but also to pay for the funeral expenses. Praise the Lord for that!
Thanks to each of you for your continued prayer support and love for the Okanyas and their family in Africa. Let's reach out to Jessica and Barak these next 10 days as well. If you still wish to donate money, you may still do so all week and next Sunday.
[Just spoke with Nelson and they are absolutely blown away at the love and support of our church family already!! Go team! Keep it up!]
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my savior; my God is my rock in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold. Psalm 18:2