Love God, Do What He Says!
/I came across this passage the other day and keep going back and reading it. I want this promise and blessing in my life! And yours!
"Then the LORD said: "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you. 11 Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites." Exodus 34:10-11
Notice, that this passage is all about what the LORD is going to do. The only job of the people was to OBEY! That's it. Obey. God will show up, blow up and jack up the enemies that stand against you. You just need to obey Him, stop living for yourself and your own agenda.
Makes me think of John 15. If you love me, you'll obey my commands.
The more I read scripture, the more I see the incredible power and value of obedience.
You wanna love God? Do what he says. What is he saying to you today? Do it!
Love God, do what He says! Love God, do what he says!