Off to Kenya
/Tricia, Davis, Lily and I leave at 5am tomorrow for Kenya. I have to is pretty neat to be headed to Kenya and it not be a very long flight. If I lived in the USA and were flying to Kenya in the morning, it would be a huge flight and a huge deal. But, we live only about 6 hours away from Nairobi by air. Pretty cool.
We fly to Nairobi where we will join in with the Eastern Mennonite Missions Annual retreat. We were not able to attend our first year on the Field, so it is good to go this year. We will be at the Mennonite Guest House in Nairobi for 3 days and on the coast in Mombasa for 4 days. We are looking forward to the community of fellow workers and the dreaming we will do about collaboration for Jesus in Africa.
Pray that what we give and receive will be fruitful.
Will update if we can.