Pumped for Catalyst! Wanna come?
/For 10 years, Catalyst has created moments that have left a mark on many leaders. I have attended one of the Catalyst One Day events and have known for almost a year that we would be taking a group to Catalyst this fall. This year's Catalyst Conference is October 6-8 in Atlanta at Gwinnett Arena. 13,000 leaders will gather together to grow and be inspired to Jesus. I have been hearing about Catalyst for the last number of years, and leaders I trust a lot are huge Catalyst fans!
This year’s speakers include: Andy Stanley, Seth Godin, Beth Moore, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Daniel Pink, Francis Chan, Christine Caine, Francis Chan, Perry Noble, Craig Groeschel, Gabe Lyons and many others.
I am uber-excited to take a group from CCF. There are about 10 staff and ministry leaders that I can afford to pay for out of our budget. I wish I could pay for anyone who wants to go, but I aint got it like that. ;-)
If you wish to go and can pay your own way, let me or Jaye Lindo know by June 1 and we would LOVE to have you join us.