Sharing Our Need
/Being a missionary and serving in the center of God's will is one of the greatest privileges one can ever experience. Raising financial support for your family to live abroad and serve the Lord is one of the hardest things one can experience. It is just not easy. This blog is not easy. Living under a constant burden of fundraising is no fun.
But then the Lord has a way of reminding me of the GREAT JOY and precious honor it is to serve the Lord in Africa and to be a part of the disciple making movements that the Lord is igniting on the continent.
People often ask me, "how do you all make a living....where do you get your funding?" They are often surprised to learn that we must raise every dollar of support from people that believe in God's call on our lives and the work we are doing.
We are SO BLESSED with about 12 churches and 75 people or families that support us in our missions work. However, living overseas and in South Africa is NOT cheap. We live in accountability to EMM regarding our funding and report for every dollar.
At this stage, we are still about $1,500 per month under-funded. In other words, we need to find $1,500 more in monthly support to cover our expenses. Failure to do this will impact the length of time we can stay on the field.
This is part of my task for this trip to America. To raise new support. So, here are a few specific questions we would like to ask you to consider:
- Are you presently giving? If so, would you be willing to increase your current support amount? Email me and I will help you.
- Perhaps you are not a donor. Would you be willing to start supporting our family? $20 a month is a BIG deal to us. Email me and I will walk you through it.
- Might you be able to make a one-time gift? You can do so online here:
- If none of the above, might you be wiling to pray with us that we can raise the funding we need in the next 2 weeks?
We are so thankful for you. Thank you for reading this. And thank you for your partnership in the gospel.
Noah, Tricia and the Kids