On our way to the USA
/This past weekend, we graduated 34 CPx students and this morning we welcomed 20 of them as Full Time Staff at All Nations to serve with us in Cape Town. Most of them will now start the process of being prepared to be sent to various nations to make Jesus known. We are thrilled for what has happened in their lives, but glad it is over! Hard, rewarding work. And the Lamb is Worthy! Jesus is always worthy!
Now, our family (all 4 of us) departs Thursday for America and arrives Friday afternoon, July 4th in Washington DC! We are getting very excited! As we prayed, we felt that the theme of this trip is "deepening relationships!" The longer we are gone from our sending network, the more important it becomes to cherish each hour with you. We hope we get to see as many of you as possible. Please reach out to us. We love you and would thank the Lord for any time we get with you.
Here are some of our plans (Please note that we still have two open Sundays to speak in churches! Hint, hint.):
- July 4: Arrive in USA
- July 5: Family!
- July 6: Capital Christian Fellowship (speaking and connecting)
- July 6-21: Noah attending CPx Training in Kansas City, MO (you near there?). Tricia and the kids with family and friends in MD and NY.
- July 21-28: Maryland (family, friends, fundraising)
- **Sunday, July 27: Still available to speak in a church. Invitations welcomed.**
- July 29-31: Lancaster, Pennsylvania (You near there?)
- August 1-12: Maryland (family, friends, fundraising)
- **Sunday, August 3: Still available to speak in a church. Invitations welcomed.**
- August 5: Discipleship Roundtable Gathering (9am-3pm, Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD)
- August 10: Capital Christian Fellowship (Sending and Partners Reception)
- August 12: Fly back to Africa
Would you support us in prayer over these next weeks?
For strength and grace in travel and transition as a family...
For open doors for meetings, groups, churches, business people to share our mission with...
For favor in raising new financial supporters and increase from current donors...
For precious people-time to deepen relationships with family and friends...
For humility and passion to tell the stories of what the Lord is doing in Africa and around the world...
Thank you for your prayers and love! Thank you for your friendship.
Noah, Tricia, Davis and Lily