Searching for Partner Churches
/Our family is heading to the USA in 15 days!! Read about that HERE.
In order for us to return to and remain in Africa for this next 2 year term, we MUST raise additional funding. In fact, with rising costs in the US and here in South Africa, and the fact that we were slightly underfunded last term, we must raise another $2,000+ a month! As a result, our time home will be very intense as we search for new partners and meet with churches and donors.
We still have 2 Sundays available to speak at churches during our trip. November 25 and December 23 (which is really the purpose of this blog). And maybe a third (December 16)...waiting to hear. We would also have plenty of weekday opportunities to connect as well.
However, here's the deal...we need to spend those two Sundays with churches (not already partnering with us) that can take us on as new partners in mission starting in 2013 and beyond. We need churches that will not only partner with us in prayer and relationship, but will also commit to financially support our ministry.
Do you know of a church like this? One that loves mission and wants to partner with a family committed to see Africa and the Nations discipled toward Jesus?? Would you please help us?
PS- We are searching for PEOPLE too! Want to join in on what the Lord is doing? Email me at to become a regular partner or click HERE to donate now.